Holistic health, holistic life
Holistic health, holistic life
Siddha medicine is one of the oldest traditional systems of medicine practiced in southern part of India mostly in Tamil nadu and Kerala. Siddha means “perfection”. It has holistic approach and covers physical, psychological, social and spiritual well being of an individual.
In this system of medicine, man is viewed as a microcosm and the universe as a macrocosm. In other words, man is a miniature universe in himself. The whole universe in turn is believed to be constituted of five primordial elements or Panchabhootha viz. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space and so is man.
The Pancheekarana theory (Five Fold Combination) of Siddha system explains the origin and formation of these basic elements as well as the role of these five elements in the formation of every substance both in the universe and in humans.