Introduction to Yoga

Yoga is sanskrit term meaning- addition. Addition of ‘normal human existence’ (Atman) to the ‘ultimate divine almighty of the universe’ (Parmatman).

In order to facilitate this addition, multifold paths have been recommended by the various yogis in the ancient vedic texts. 

Out of these, the ‘Eight fold yogic path’ (Ashtanga yoga) by Maharishi Patanjali is most acknowledged and most followed in yogic culture. The word Ashtanga is comprised of two Sanskrit words, ‘Ashta‘+ ‘Anga‘. ‘Ashta‘ means eight, and ‘anga‘ means limb or body part. Therefore, Ashtanga is all about the eight limbs ( or sometimes called the eight steps or eight stages ) of yoga which lead to the holistic understanding of human health & human life. These eight limbs of yoga also represent the main branches of the philosophy of the Patanjali yoga-sutra.

These eight limbs include: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-discipline), Asana ( body postures), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (control over senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (ultimate stage of salvation).

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