Siddha for Dandruff and Hairfall

Siddha medicine uses natural remedies and herbs to cure various ailments, including dandruff and hair fall. Siddha medicine is a traditional system of medicine that has a holistic approach towards health and wellness. Siddha focuses on maintaining the balance between…

History of Unani Medicine

History of Unani medicine is related to the history of medicine in Ancient Greece, Egypt, Babylon and Persia. Ancient Greece developed the Unani medicine after deriving the medical knowledge from Egyptians and Babylonians. The word “Unani” comes from the Arabic…

Ayurveda for viral infections

Ayurveda is the system of medicine that emphasizes the use of natural remedies and practices to maintain health and prevent diseases/disorders like viral infections. Ayurveda recognizes that viral infections once happened can be challenging to treat, but it offers several…

आयुर्वेद स्वस्थवृत्त

उत्थायोत्थाय सततं स्वस्थेनारोग्यमिच्छिता। धीमता यदनुष्ठेयं तत्सर्वं सम्प्रवक्ष्यते।। (सु. चि. 23।3) स्वास्थ्य परिरक्षण (देखभाल) हेतु स्वस्थ पुरुष को नित्य सो कर उठने के बाद जो कर्म करने चाहिए उन्हें ही स्वस्थवृत्त कहते हैं। इनके पालन से सभी रोगों को दूर रखते…

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