Swasthya Ayush & Wellness Expo 2023-Expo & Conference (ExpoCon)

Swasthya Ayush & Wellness Expo 2023 – Global Ayush, Health, Wellness, Food, Beauty & Tourism Expo & Conference (ExpoCon) is going to take place on 16, 17 & 18 June 2023 in Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


Call for Papers / Posters from Students / Scholars / Researchers / Scientists / Faculty / Administrators
Ayush systems / Health / Mind / Nutrition & Dietetics / Environment / Beauty &
Wellness / Tourism & Wellness / Pharma & Wellness / Physiotherapy &
Pain management etc., on following areas / sub-areas : –

  • Ayurveda / Yoga / Naturopathy / Unani / Siddha / Sowarigpa / Homoeopathy
  • Education Research and Practice
  • Products Practices Practitioners & Policies
  • Indian Knowledge Systems
  • Holistic & Integrative health
  • Preservation and Promotion of Health & Wellbeing
  • Yoga / Naturopathy – Physiology & therapeutic benefits
  • Wellness & Spiritual Tourism – Quality of Life, Practices & Policies
  • Lifestyle diseases / Non communicable diseases such as Cancer, Diabetes etc.,
  • Single Case studies / Case series
  • Medicinal plants & Spices – Propagation, Products, Practices, Policies
    Phytochemistry, Phytopharmacology & Phytotherapy
  • Hemp & Vijaya
  • Food, Diet and Nutrition
  • Millets, Nutricereals & different recipes
  • Organic foods
  • Ayurved Aahar products & Nutraceuticals
  • Ayurveda & veterinary products and practices
  • Agriculture and veterinary practices
  • Traditional & Folklore medicine
  • Flower medicine, Essential oils and Aromatherapy
  • Sports medicine & Alternate healthcare practices
  • Aging & healthcare products and practices
  • Cosmoceuticals, Beauty products, practices, practitioners, and policies
  • Mental Wellness, Psychology & Psychiatry
  • Nursing care, Palliative care & Hospice care
  • Panchagavya products & practices
  • Marma chikitsa, Viddha chikitsa, Agni karma
  • Public health, Environmental health & Sustainable development
  • Pain management practices
  • Health Technology & advances in digital tools
  • Biomedical engineering applications
  • Alternative healthcare practices Meditation / Acupressure / Reiki / Pranic healing etc.,
  • Allied healthcare Practices such as Physiotherapy / Speech therapy / Occupational therapy etc.,
  • Daiva vyapashraya chikitsa / Mantra chikitsa / Spiritual healing
  • Sleep Health


  1. The last date for submission of abstracts is 21 May, 2023.
  2. Registration is compulsory for the submission of the abstracts of the paper/poster.
  3. The abstracts must be submitted only through the online submission module at this link https://swasthyaexpo.com/registration/
  4. Papers/Posters should be submitted/Uploaded as a PDF file.
  5. Registration is mandatory for the acceptance of Abstracts.
  6. Selected abstracts will be published in ‘Web of Science’ indexed e-journal (IJAM) & other related e-journals (IJAPR / Ayushdhara).

Source: www.swasthyaexpo.com

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Ayushline India
Ayushline India

Ayushline-Holistic health, holistic life

Articles: 25

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